Southington Calendar House

Southington Calendar House Senior Center.

A community resource for Southington Seniors 55 and over.
388 Pleasant St, Southington, CT 06489. Phone 860-621-3014

In case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, all delays and/or closings will be posted under the name CALENDAR HOUSE on WTIC (1080AM), WFSB Channel 3 and on the website.

Southington Town Seal
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Welcome to Calendar House

Calendar House Layout

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Ping Pong

Pool Players

Computer Learning Center

Computer Class Descriptions

Libre Office Guidance

What Computer should I buy?

Cut the TV cord and start streaming.

Comparison of Top live TV streaming services.

The Calendar House Ping Pong Group.

Bob, Rick, Ed & Ray.

We have a group of 8 to 14 regular players right now meeting in room 2 on Monday mornings at 9:00 and Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 pm.

Players - May 2016.

Stop in some time and either join us or just to watch how we're doing We started playing some months ago and we all had the same thing in common: We hadn't played in 20 years - at least that's what we all said!

Ellie & Abdel.

It's amazing how quickly it all comes back to you. You could say it's like riding a bike. Once you know how you never forget. We've now reached a level where we have some good competitive games, either singles or doubles matches.

The Calendar House bought us a second table when we found that our numbers had reached high enough to justify two tables being bought into play at the same time. We've had players from the Wallingford Senior Center join us and we've taken our game on the road to their house too.

Bob returning.

Play is open to any Calendar House member interested in the sport. We have house paddles if you don't have your own. You'll find its good exercise and good for the hand-eye coordination. You'd be surprised just what a workout it can be.

Contact: Art Rentz

Video of Ping Pong Enthusiasts in Action
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