Southington Calendar House

Southington Calendar House Senior Center.

A community resource for Southington Seniors 55 and over.
388 Pleasant St, Southington, CT 06489. Phone 860-621-3014

In case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, all delays and/or closings will be posted under the name CALENDAR HOUSE on WTIC (1080AM), WFSB Channel 3 and on the website.

Southington Town Seal
Town Seal.

Welcome to Calendar House

Calendar House Layout

Web Page Links

Southington Town Resources.

Ancestry Links

Ping Pong

Pool Players

Computer Learning Center

Computer Class Descriptions

Libre Office Guidance

What Computer should I buy?

Cut the TV cord and start streaming.

Comparison of Top live TV streaming services.

Dial-A-Ride Bus Service.

The Calendar House Dial-A-Ride Bus Service may be used by Southington residents aged 55 and older, or any disabled individual, 18 or over, as defined by Social Security standards, who do not drive their own vehicles or who do not have alternate transportation.

Please Click HERE for more detailed information.

Connecticut CT Transit bus routes 532 and 928 connections in Southington.

Route 532 is a new bus route connecting Plainville Center and Queen St. in Southington, including stops at Price Chopper, Stop & Shop, and Walmart. Buses will operate hourly, seven days a week. The schedule for Route 532 is specially timed to allow customers to make quick and convenient transfers with CTfastrak Route 102 to and from Hartford, New Britain & Bristol at Plainville Center.

Route 928 is a CTFastrack service running between Hartford and Waterbury that has a stop at Plantsville Park & Ride which is near the west end of Mulberry street.

Calendar House Dial-A-Ride Transportation to stops at the Plantsville Park & Ride, Price Chopper, Stop and Shop and Walmart on the new Route 532 bus line or Route 628 schedule is available during our regular hours of operation with advanced notice. Please call our office at 860-621-3014 for more information.

Please Click on the route number 532 or 928 for the appropriate weekday time schedule.

Please Click HERE for information on the CT Transit fares involved.

Please Click on the route number 532 or 928 for the appropriate route map and further details.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance.

Please Click HERE for the Title VI Public Notice.

Please Click HERE for the Title VI Complaint Procedure.

Please Click HERE for the Title VI Complaint Form.
© Southington Calendar House - All Rights reserved