Use Your Voice to Control Smartphone

Computer Lab
Monday 1st July 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Every Mon 1:00-3:00pm (until 7/08)

Use Your Voice to Control Smartphone Mondays at 1 PM from June 24th to July 8th, 2024 - $15 Registration Date: Monday, May 20th from 10-11:30 a.m. Learn to use voice dictation to save time on your smartphone & avoid tedious typing. Your device will convert what you say to text. Voice dictation is good for texts, searches, emails, quick notes, & more. Also, learn how to use Google or Siri Assistants to ask for just about anything on your smartphone. This personal assistant can help you find info, make calls or send texts, get directions, find music, & dozens of everyday tasks. Simply use your voice to be in command of your phone!

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