Calendar House Fall 2024
Computer/Tablet/Phone Classes
Registration Date - 10:00 AM Monday 26th August 2024

E-Mail Address:

  Place a check mark next to the class(es) desired:

____ Manage your Computer - Tuesdays at 1 PM 10 Sep 2024 to 15 Oct 2024 - $30
____ Transfer photos from phone or tablet to PC - Thursdays at 1 PM 12 Sep 2024 to 19 Sep 2024 - $15
____ Facebook Marketplace - Tuesdays at 10 AM 10 Sep 2024 to 17 Sep 2024 - $15
____ iPad and iPhone Basics - Thursdays at 10 AM 12 Sep 2024 to 17 Oct 2024 - $30
____ Organizing phone & tablet Photos - Mondays at 1 PM 9 Sep 2024 to 23 Sep 2024 - $15
____ Android Phone Basics - Wednesdays at 10 AM 11 Sep 2024 to 16 Oct 2024 - $30
____ One-on-One Training - At an agreed time and date - $10 per 2 hour session
1-on-1 help needed ___________________________________________

Please bring charging cables for your phone or tablet to the class.

  What other classes would interest you _____________________

Please make checks payable to Calendar House.
Staff Use

Cash rec'd ______

Check # _______